Interested in learning more about supportive national organizations involved in domestic and sexual violence advocacy? Here are some helpful links to organizations and tribal coalitions working to end abuse in their communities.
Organizations and Resource Centers:
- National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) for information and resources to support tribes in responding to violence in tribal communities, advocates for tribal sovereignty and safety in Native communities, no direct services provided
- Native Love, a NIWRC Native youth project focused on healthy relationships and dating violence
- Alaska Native Women's Resource Center (AKNWRC) for information and resources on ending violence against Alaska Natives, advocates for the safety of women and children in their communities
- National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233), available 24/7/365 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence
- Loveisrespect, a project of The Hotline focused on healthy relationships

Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Coalitions:
- Yupik Women’s Coalition - AK
- Healing Native Hearts Coalition - AK
- Hopi-Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse – AZ
- Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition – AZ
- Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition – CA
- Wabanaki Women’s Coalition – ME
- Uniting Three Fires Against Violence – MI
- Mending the Sacred Hoop – MN
- First Nations Women’s Alliance – ND
- Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women – NM
- Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition – MN
- Seven Dancers Coalition – NY
- Native Alliance Against Violence – OK
- Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains – SD
- Restoring Ancestral Winds – UT
- Women Spirit Coalition – WA
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