A healthy relationship requires communication, honesty, trust, and respect from each partner. Equality and balance go hand-in-hand in a healthy relationship, where each dating partner recognizes and supports the other’s choices, individuality and beliefs.
In a healthy relationship, both partners take responsibility for their own happiness, never expecting their partner to make them happy.
So, how do you know if your relationship is healthy? All relationships exist on what we call the Relationship Spectrum. Each person’s behaviors range from healthy to abusive with unhealthy somewhere in the middle on this spectrum.

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their relationship. Take the quiz below to see if your relationship is healthy.
You have checked boxes.
If you checked 0 boxes, it seems like you have a healthy relationship. Your relationship behaviors honor your relatives. Your ancestors would be proud.
If you checked 1-2 boxes, there might be some things in your relationship that are unhealthy or that make you uncomfortable. That doesn't necessarily mean these are warning signs of abuse. Keep an eye on these things and talk with your partner to make sure they don't become a pattern. Your concerns are valid. Open and honest communication is an important gift to each other and we can honor our ancestors by practicing it.
If you checked 3-4 boxes, you are likely experiencing some red flags of an abusive relationship. This can be difficult, but do not ignore these signs. All relationships take work, but healthy relationships don't include abuse. You are sacred and you have the right to a healthy relationship.
If you checked 5+ boxes, you may be in an abusive relationship. No one deserves to be abused and abuse rarely stops. The most important thing is your safety, consider making a safety plan. We are here to listen.
Quiz adapted from Love is Respect.