Honor Our Ancestors And Remember Their Teachings

November is Native American Heritage Month when all Indigenous peoples are celebrated for their contributions to building the foundation of America. As the original people on this land, we call Turtle Island, we hold respect for all living things. We honor our ancestors by remembering their teachings, our culture, and traditions that have endured the test of time.
“Despite the efforts to terminate or assimilate us, we hold tightly to our culture and traditions that when practiced provides healing for our relatives, ” said CEO Lori Jump, StrongHearts Native Helpline. “We must continue to hold each other sacred as nations of sovereign people and with respect given to all living things.”
StrongHearts Native Helpline advocate training is steeped in Native American culture and traditions. Our support and advocacy are Native-centered, empowerment-based, and trauma-informed. We uplift our relatives, who are strong and resilient. During the month of November, we celebrate our ancestors, our teachers, and all of our relations today, tomorrow, and always.